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Institutional Policies and Procedures

Below are policies and procedures at 4Cs that you should be familiar with as a student:

No dogs (except service dogs) or other pets will be allowed on campus. All dogs will be reported to the Town of Barnstable dog officer for removal.

See also: Policy on Service Animals

If you ride a bike to school, you can park it in the bike rack located outside of the Tilden Arts Center. Please make sure to lock your bike as the school is not responsible for damage or theft while bikes are parked on campus. Skateboards, scooters, motorized skateboards, etc. are not allowed on campus. For safety reasons, none of these modes of transportation may be ridden or stood upon anywhere on campus.

The administration at Cape Cod Community College understands that because there are times when a student is confronted with whether or not to attend classes due to an emergency child care issue, it is sometimes necessary to bring children to campus. The College does not generally prohibit you from bringing your children on campus as long as they are under your supervision at all times. If it is not possible for them to be under your direct supervision, then a friend or guardian should be designated to ensure their supervision. Be aware, however, that College staff and faculty members responsible for specific College areas reserve the right to exclude infants and children from that area when, in their best judgment, it is in the interest of health, safety, or the educational process. Cape Cod Community College cannot be responsible for the care and supervision of unattended children. College Police will be asked to locate and return to the custody of the parent any unattended children.

Cape Cod Community College prohibits the consumption of any and all alcoholic beverages at either on-campus or off-campus events. Exceptions to this policy may be granted by the President of the College or his/her designee only under special conditions and pursuant to appropriate guidelines, procedures, and policies. Any student found possessing, using, selling, or involved in any way with alcohol, narcotics, psychedelic drugs or other chemicals, or dangerous drugs on this campus, unless prescribed by a physician, will be subject to disciplinary action including dismissal as adjudged by the Judiciary Committee and the President. In addition, the College remains cognizant of its responsibilities to the civil authorities. Operating within this framework:

  1. We urge students who seek information, advice, or counsel regarding drugs to contact faculty advisors, or Dean of Enrollment Management and Student Development staff, and we shall help them, maintaining complete confidence in relationships. Also, we are prepared to refer students to appropriate professionals (medical, legal, psychiatric, etc.) according to the needs of the individual student. Contacts will be held in complete confidence.
  2. A student who ignores opportunities for help and who willfully violates College policies and the law faces disciplinary action.

See: Drug and Alcohol Policy

E-mail is an official method of communication at Cape Cod Community College, intended to meet the academic and administrative needs of the Cape Cod Community College campus community. The College has the right to expect that all academic and administrative communications sent through the College's official e-mail system are received and read in a timely fashion. A "timely fashion" is defined as within 2 to 3 days when the College is in session. To enable this to happen, the College provides all students registered in credit-bearing courses with a standardized College-issued e-mail acount. That account is an official vehicle for all College related communications and should be monitored regularly. Not checking one's e-mail account is not an acceptable reason for missing official College messages or information.

Cape Cod Community College will follow Commonwealth guidelines which prohibit illegal gambling. This includes such games that result in the exchange of money.

Lost and found items may be reported or recovered at the Department of Public Safety. Articles unclaimed after 30 days will be discarded. You may reach Lost and Found: 774.330.4349.

Cape Cod Community College Institutional Review Board (IRB) supports the research efforts of the students, faculty and staff. The role of the IRB is to:

  • Review proposed research projects that involve the use of human subjects
  • Ensure risks to subjects are minimized and risks to subjects are reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits.
  • Ensure selection of subjects is equitable.

Learn more: Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Cape Cod Community College
Anti-Smoking Policy

Pursuant to Massachusetts' Anti-Smoking Law, MGL Chapter 270, Section 22, "smoking" or "smoke" is defined as: "the lighting of a cigar, cigarette, pipe or other tobacco product or possessing a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe or other tobacco or non-tobacco product designed to be combusted and inhaled." Under the law, smoking is prohibited in public place, including, but not limited to: colleges and university or in a public building or in a space occupied by a state agency or department of the commonwealth which is located in another building, including a private office.

The Cape Cod Community College anti-smoking policy includes the prohibition of the use of electronic cigarettes. Violators may be subject to fines and disciplinary actions as identified in the appropriate collective bargaining agreements or personnel policies, as well as the Massachusetts Student Code of Conduct.

Smoking Cessation Programs:
Students/faculty/staff completing a 6-week smoke-enders course will be reimbursed 50% of their costs. Please contact the Human Resources Office for more information.

Approved by the Board of Trustees
September 16, 2014

The President, or his/her designee, the Director of Student Engagement, shall ensure that the following policy guidelines are implemented and administered on campus in fair, impartial and uniform manner, and without discrimination on grounds of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, age, or sex. In an effort to ensure non-interference with the educational activities and business operations of the College, the Director of Student Engagement or his/her designees shall prohibit all private profit and non-profit organizations, agencies and/or individuals from soliciting on campus except as permitted in the following circumstances:

  1. The Director of Student Engagement or his/ her designee may permit federal, state, and municipal agency representatives to have access to the campus for any purpose for which said agency representatives are legally authorized to do so; provided, however, the Coordinator of Student Life and Co-Curricular Programs or his/her designee retains the authority to regulate the time, place and manner of such access to minimize any interference with the educational activities and business operations of the College.
  2. The Director of Student Engagement or his/ her designee may, upon request, waive the general prohibition against soliciting as stated above on determination that:
    • the purposes of the campus solicitations shall be for the general interest or benefit of the College, students, faculty, or staff, and
    • the proposed solicitation shall not disrupt the continuity of business operations and/or educational activities of the College.

The Director of Student Engagement or his/her designee shall maintain a record of all on-campus solicitation requests and disposition of such requests.

Student rights include the opportunity to pursue higher education; freedom to exercise the rights of citizenship, association, inquiry, and expression; and privacy and confidentiality in counseling relationships, health care, financial matters, and matters of recordStudent rights include the opportunity to pursue higher education; freedom to exercise the rights of citizenship, association, inquiry, and expression; and privacy and confidentiality in counseling relationships, health care, financial matters, and matters of record.

Students will have the right of voting representation on all recommendations to the President on such matters as academic standards, student activities and curricula. Most importantly, students have the right to quality education. This includes, but is not limited to, competent instruction, assistance in overcoming educational, cultural, emotional, and economic disadvantages which hinder the educational process, and fair and equal treatment in such areas as instruction, evaluation, and services by faculty, staff, students and administrators. Students have the right to receive in writing from faculty members during the first week of classes a brief course description, requirements, and a specific list of information and techniques which the student is expected to acquire. Also, what grading system and attendance policy will be utilized. Students will also have the right to procedural due process in grievance and disciplinary hearings. Student responsibilities include knowledge of and compliance with directives, regulations, and laws as established by the Department of Higher Education, the Board of Trustees, the College, the student government, and the duly constituted civil authorities. The goal of the statement of student rights and responsibilities is to provide an atmosphere for sound intellectual and academic development.

Need Some Help? Contact Us!

Student Engagement Office (SEO)
Location: Grossman Commons, Room 208
Hours: Monday–Friday, 8:30am–4pm
Phone: 774.330.4320

For academic and wellness support visit: Student Support