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Academic Information

Resources and links for all Academic information at Cape Cod Community College

To understand how the academic year unfolds, view the academic calendar to see when semesters begin and end, when final exams are held, which holidays are observed and more.

Learn more: Academic Calendar

Academic Advisors will then help you choose appropriate courses that meet your program requirements, assessment results, and individual circumstances. Advisors are available all year to help you keep on track and reach your academic goals. 

Advising & Counseling Services
Location Grossman Commons, Room 203C
Hours Monday–Friday, 8:30am–4:30pm
Open Wednesdays until 7:00pm
Phone 774.330.4318
Online Advising & Counseling website

Cape Cod Community College offers Associate Degrees and Certificates in many fields of study. Whether you plan to transfer, want training for a new job, or plan to change careers, CCCC offers you quality education in a supportive environment.

Learn more: Degrees and Certificates

In order to graduate from Cape Cod Community College you must complete all degree or certificate requirements with a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.0. Learn more about academic policies with the links below. 

For a complete listing of Academic Policies: Academic Policies & Procedures 

If you graduate from the Commonwealth Honors program as a Commonwealth Honors Scholar, you can transfer Honors credits directly into the Honors program at a Massachusetts four-year state college or university. There are many other benefits as well!

Learn more: The Commonwealth Honors Program

Independent study is defined as: Additional credit for an independent study project within a discipline and not a regular academic course.

  • Additional credit for an independent study project within a regular academic course.
  • An interdisciplinary project not associated with an established course.

Eligibility Criteria for Independent study:

  • Students have successfully completed a minimum of 24 college level credits.
  • For students who demonstrate exceptional abilities, a faculty member may submit to the department a request for a student who has completed fewer than the required 24 college-level credits and is in good academic standing.
  • Student must be in good academic standing.
  • Student may take a maximum of 3 credits of Independent study toward their degree.
  • Independent Study will not fulfill General Education requirements.
  • Independent Study may fulfill a program elective.

Independent study is voluntary for the student and the faculty member.

Departments will control the number of projects individual faculty members may undertake.

Independent Study projects will be agreed to by the faculty member overseeing the Independent Study and the student, and presented by the faculty member to the department for approval.

Students should contact the transfer coordinator on transferability of independent study.

  • The department will assign academic credit to a project using the same basic criteria in accordance with which it assigns credit to regular academic courses. These criteria will include such matters as: Level of work; Academic rigor; College Policy for Integrity of Academic Credit
  • A project may be modified during a semester by the same procedure under which it was initially accepted.
  • Independent study projects are to be approved prior to the close of the previous semester whenever possible.
    • Each department is responsible for maintaining a thorough description and details of the final product, including methods of evaluation.
  • An "Application for Independent Study," including a course contract drawn by the student and the responsible faculty member will detail (for instance) the amount of work required to earn either 1, 2 or 3 credits, and the method of assessing student learning.
  • The "Application for Independent Study" will be reviewed by the department at the time of presentation for acceptance. If approved, a copy will be forwarded to the Registrar.

Current or former students can request an official copy of their academic transcript embossed with the College seal from the Office of the Registrar.

Learn more: Academic Transcript Requests

Need Some Help? Contact Us!

Student Engagement Office (SEO)
Location: Grossman Commons, Room 208
Hours: Monday–Friday, 8:30am–4pm
Phone: 774.330.4320

For academic and wellness support visit: Student Support