The Coaches and Mentors team is here to assist you in formulating career plans by providing a variety of support services and resources necessary to develop a targeted, focused career path. We're here to make sure you are highly satisfied with your choices and successfully match your educational and career goals.
Career interest inventories and self-assessment exercises Massachusetts Career Information Systems (MASS CIS) to assist you in further clarifying and understanding how your values and interests affect your career preferences. Individual Career interest inventories and self-assessment exercises assist you in further clarifying and understanding how your values and interests affect your career preferences. Individual counseling appointments will help you become more aware of the many options available and how your unique talents, background and skills might fit into specific career options.
The Coaches and Mentors team can also help you navigate the many career resources available, including Nontraditional by Gender Career paths, salary information, and more general job availability projections in their search and discovery process.
While you're are encouraged to attend our offered Student Success Seminars, appointments are also offered to assist in the preparation of a professional, high quality resume. You're encouraged to create a rough draft of your resume prior to your appointment, then time will then be used to revise, customize and refine your work into the perfect resume for you.
Individual appointments are also available if you would like assistance in learning and sharpening your interviewing skills to develop a more effective, results oriented job search.
Once you have your resume and you're ready for your interview, we'll help connect you with local employers via the colleges online job site platform Handshake.
Coaches & Mentors Program | |
Location | Wilkens South 233 |
Phone | 774.330.4374 | | |
Theresa Bowse | |
Coaches & Mentors is recognized as an outstanding program by the Massachusetts Department of Education and is listed in 1,001 Exemplary Practices in America's Two-Year Colleges, McGraw Hill.
Funding for this program is provided by allocations to the college from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education through the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act of 2018. (Perkins V).